I'm very pleased to announce a new exhibition for 2025. Entitled 'Venice Street Geometry' it features work that focuses on the forms, shapes and textures on the streets of Venice, with the passage of light and shadow.
Held at the Kunst Depot exhibition space in Cannaregio, Venice, it opens on 22 February with the inauguration at 17.30 and runs daily until the 14th March 2025. So, save the date!

Featuring over 30 prints from the Monochrome Venice collection, the exhibition is a personal view of Venice, with images that sit somewhere between realism, abstraction and surrealism. For more information, follow on social media for updates or contact me directly: andy@monochromevenice.com

Prints from the exhibition and an exhibition catalogue will be available to buy, so please get in touch if you are interested and I look forward to seeing you there!!|. AP.