exhibitions, publications & collaborations
Recent and upcoming exhibitions, publications, collaborations and links:
February 2025: 'Monochrome Venice (TBC)' Kunst Depot Venezia, Cannaregio Venice, Italy. https://www.labiennale.org/it/bacheca/12296
December 2025: 'Monochrome' The Soup Street Art Gallery, Milan, Italy. https://www.thestreetsoup.com/
Ongoing 2024: 'Time & Tide', Laguna Libre Eco-Ristorante and Jazz Club, Cannaregio, Venice, Italy https://www.lagunalibre.it ​
October 2024: 6th edition 'Peace', Venice Photo Lab, Venice, Italy. https://www.venicephotolab.it/
​February 2024: 'Caigo - Venezia Fog' Kunst Depot Venezia, Cannaregio Venice, Italy. https://www.labiennale.org/it/bacheca/12296​​
​October 2022: 4th edition Venice Photo Lab, Venice, Italy. https://www.venicephotolab.it/​
December 2024: 'Photo CV', Digital Photographer magazine, UK
October 2024: 'Shapes' re-published in 'Best of Mobile Photography' Amateur Photographer Magazine, UK
January 2024: 'Shapes', Amateur Photographer Magazine, UK
October 2023: Edge of Darkness' Amateur Photographer Magazine, UK
June 2020: 'Onward Journey' The Royal Photographic Society journal, Vol. 160. No.6, UK
2018: 'Reflected Bell Tower' published in the book 'Dream of Venice in Black and White'. Introduction by Tiziano Scarpa, edited JoAnn Locktov. Bella Figura Publications
Kunst Depot Venezia. Gallery & Exhibition space. Venice. https://www.instagram.com/kunst.depot.venezia/
Edesse Ensemble. Venice-based vocal group led by composer Justine Rapaccioli. https://www.edesseensemble.it/
Kasia Boratyn Venice Tour Guide. Venice, Italy https://www.kasiaboratyn.com/
UnionFoto, Mestre, Venice, Italy https://unionfoto.rikorda.it/